Journal History

Majalah Geografi Indonesia first published on 2nd and 3rth of March and September 1961 with the support of patron board Prof Dr. M. Sardjito who was served as President of State Universitas Gadjah Mada.The general counsel was Iso Reksoha Diprojo from Faculty of Agriculture UGM and Soemadi Soemowidagdo whom at that time was became Secretary of Faculty of Letters and Culture UGM. As the Chief editor was Prof Ir.R.Harjono Danoestro whom at that time was became Dean of Faculty of Agriculture UGM. Editorial Board were Ir.Soedarsono Hadi Saputro, Ir.Soeroso., Drs Kardono Darmojoewono, Drs.Basoeki Soediharjo, and Drs.Soedarmo. In that period, who served as Director was Prof.H.Halim Khan whom also Head of Department of Geography UGM. At that time, Geography still became a Department in Faculty of Letters and Culture UGM.


Majalah Geografi Indonesia Volume 3 Number 4-6 published on October 1961 - December 1963 by patron board Prof. Ir. H Johanes who become a Rector of UGM at that moment. While general counsel was Prof.Dr.M. Sardjito and Prof.Ir Iso Reksodiprodjo. Editorial Board was  Prof.Ir.R Harjono Danusastro who became dean of Faculty of Geography UGM. Members were R.Sumadi from Faculty of Letters & Culture UGM, Ir. Sudarsono Hadi Saputro., Drs Basuki Sudihardjo, R.Mintarto and Surastopo Hadisumarmo.


Majalah Geografi Indonesia published again on September 1990 until 1999. General Chairman of that time was Soenarso Simoen, while members of the editorial board consisted of Karmono Mangusukardjo, Kasto, Dulbahri, Alip Sontosudarmo, Mas Sukoco, Sujalidan Sudarmadji.


Majalah Geografi Indonesia Volume 17 Number 2 was published on September 2003 until 2005. At that moment, the chief editor was Soenarso Simoen. While members of editorial board consist of Kasto, Sudarmadji, Dulbahri, Alip Sontosudarmo, Mas Sukoco, Sunarto, And Sujali.


Majalah Geografi Indonesia Volume 20 Number 1 was published on March 2006 until 2008. Who served as the general director at that time was Sutikno, while Editor-in-Chief was Hadi Sabari Yunus and Sudarmadji. Editorial Board members were Totok Gunawan, Kasto, Suratman, Sunarto, Alip Santosudarmo, Sujali, Sukwardjono, and Lutfi Muta'ali.


Majalah Geografi Indonesia has a re-changed editorial team on November 19th, 2008 until February 6th, 2013 with a new formation. Dr.M.Pramono Hadi, M.Sc was a General Manager, while Chief Editor was Dr.Sunarto, MS. Members of the editorial board at that time were Prof.Dr. Sudarmadji, M.Eng.Sc., Prof.Dr.Totok Gunawan, M.S., Prof.Dr.Suratman, M.Sc., Dr.Djati Mardiatno, M.Sc, and Drs.Tukiran, M.A.


From 2013 up to recent, Chief editor is Prof. Dr. Sunarto, M.S., while vice chief editor is Dr.Luthfi Muta’ali, M.T. Editorial boards are Prof.Dr.Sudarmadji, M.Sc., Dr.Suprapto Dibyosaputro, M.Sc, Dr.R.Suharyadi, M.Sc., Prof. Dr. Muh. Aris Marfai, M.Sc., Dr.Danang Sri Hadmoko, M.Sc. By this period, internal editorial board collaborates with external editorial boards are Prof.Dr.Enok Maryani from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and Rizaldi Boer from Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia.


Majalah Geografi Indonesia has begun changing some of the format appearance according to WHO standard size includes the format of paper size (from B5 to A4), the format of the style (into 2 columns) and the format of font size (become smaller). 


Majalah Geografi Indonesia was previously had its own server in Faculty of Geography UGM but then on 2015 being migrated to journal portal. At the end of November 2016, Majalah Geografi Indonesia has been registered in CrossRef so that the article published in No. Volume 29 No. 1 2015 by the number of Digital Object Identifier (DOI) keep continues.


On 19th January 2017, Majalah Geografi Indonesia has been registered to DOAJ and on 4 July 2017, Majalah Geografi Indonesia officially received.


Majalah Geografi Indonesia is currently indexed by national and international indexer systems such as Directory of Open Access Journal (International), National Scientific Database Indonesia (ISJD - Nasional), Indonesia Publication Index (IPI - National), Google Scholar (International ) and database Indonesia One Search (National).