Ethical Statement


Scientific Journal of Faculty of Dentistry – Universitas Gadjah Mada


       Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Gadjah Mada established peer-reviewed journals as one of contribution on developing applicable and reliable science on dentistry area to increase dental health quality. As imbued on peer-reviewed definition, a manuscript must be reviewed by a board of reviewers, involving subject specialists in academic community or scholarly, to ensure research quality and adherence to editorial standards of the journal prior to publication. Considering of parties involved, a standard of expected ethical behavior on publication process is needed to be clearly stated for reviewers, editors and authors.

      An important yet principal role of scientific journal on dentistry area as communication media between academician, clinician and community implies responsibility for publisher to ensure validity and independency of a study by supporting authors, editors and reviewers works in ethical manner. Commercial revenues on our scientific journal are strictly confirmed to give no influence on editorial decisions. On the other hand, blinded method is applied on reviewing process of our journal to suppress subjectivity and bias.


Reviewer is obliged to provide recommendation to assist authors on improving their works as well as editors on determining their editorial judgment in accordance with their expertise.

A. Promptness

Reviewers must inform the editor if according to their personal judgment, prompt review is impossible to be conducted. 

B. Confidentiality

Reviewed manuscripts are confidential documents. Any discussion with other party except as authorized by the editors is prohibited.

C. Standards of Objectivity

Reviewers must consider objectivity and avoid personal criticism of the author on reviewing process. All comment must be supported by clear and constructive arguments.  

D. Acknowledgement of Sources

Reviewer is recommended to inform the author on any relevant works that has not been cited or indicated to have substantial similarity or overlap with the reviewed manuscript. 

E. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

  1. Under any circumstances, reviewers are not allowed to use unpublished materials for the sake of their own work/s without written consent from the author.
  2. Information and ideas from peer-reviewed process are confidential and must not be disclosed or used for personal interest.
  3. Reviewers is not allowed to evaluate manuscript in which they have conflict of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors or related companies as well as institutions.


A. Publication decisions

Submitted manuscript is determined to be published on our journal according to the editor decision, based on policies and guidance of the editorial board as well as legal requirement including libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. Communication with other editors or reviewers is allowed to support the decision making.

B. Fairness

Editor must evaluate manuscript based on their scientific content, without considering to the authors race, gender, sexual orientation, religion and beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy.

C. Confidentiality

All information on the submitted manuscript is confidential and must not be disclosed except to the eligible corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, editor, and publisher.

D. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

  1. Under any circumstances, editors are not allowed to use unpublished materials for the sake of their own work/s without written consent from the author.
  2. Information or ideas from peer-reviewed process are confidential and must not be disclosed or used for personal interest.
  3. Editors is not allowed to evaluate manuscript in which they have conflict of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors or related companies as well as institutions. In the circumstances, other members of editorial boards must be involved to determine publication decision.
  4. Editors must ensure that all contributors disclose relevant competing interests and publish corrections if competing interests are revealed after publication. If needed, other appropriate action should be taken, such as publication of a retraction or expression of concern.
  5. Editors must release clear notification or identification of non peer-reviewed section.

E. Involvement and Cooperation in Investigations

Reports on unethical acts, indicated on submitted or published papers are allowed even years after publication and responded by the editor. The editor must contacts the author as well as communicates with the relevant institutions and research bodies related with complaints made. Correction, retraction, expression of concern, or other editorial note must be released as formal response on the complaints.

F. Fundamental Errors on Published Works

If the accuracy or significant errors is learned by the editor or publisher from a third party, the editor must immediately inform and ask for retraction or correction to the authors.



A. Reporting standards

Following standards must be obeyed by the authors of original research on preparing manuscript:

  1. Presenting an accurate (using control and specific protocols/procedures), reliable, repeatable, precision, reproducible, validated account of the work and data.
  2. Providing sufficient detail or references to permit works replication.
  3. Clearly identified ‘opinion’ from accurate and objective scientific statement.

B. Data Access and Retention

Access on raw data must be prepared for editorial review.

 C. Originality and Plagiarism

Manuscript must be contained original works. Any citation or quotation from other authors or works must be notified clearly. Any form of plagiarism is unacceptable.

D. Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication

Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication is unacceptable. Same manuscript containing essentially the same research is not allowed to be submitted and published to another journal.

E. Acknowledgment of Source

Information from personal communication, such as conversation, interview, correspondence, and discussion, or from the course of confidential services, including refereeing manuscript or grant application, must not be used without written permission from its original sources/authors.

F. Authorship or the Paper

Author and all co-authors must approved final version of the paper and signed our journal submission form.

G. Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects

Clear statement on the procedures involves hazardous chemical or equipment must be written on the manuscript. All procedures related to human and animal subjects must be approved by appropriate institutional committee(s) and the approval must be explained on the manuscript. Human rights are important issues that must be comprehensively considered. Authors must state the availability of informed consent on from each human subject.  

In terms of case report, authors must clearly state that patient/s is well informed about the publication.

H. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

Early disclosed of potential conflicts of interest must be done. All financial support, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent application/registration, grants or other funding must be clearly stated.

I. Fundamental Errors in Published Works

Following measurement must be taken by the authors if fundamental errors found in published works:

  1. Promptly notify the editors of publisher.
  2. Immediately retract or correct the manuscript.