SCOPUS Citation Analysis

Buletin Peternakan is cited at least 158 times at Scopus database.
Update Aug 11th, 2023, 10:32 AM GMT+7.| First published in 1977

1. Wibisono, FJ, Sumiarto, B, Untari, T, (...), Permatasari, DA, Witaningrum, AM. (2020) Resistance Profile of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli Bacteria using Vitek® 2 Compact Method. Buletin Peternakan 44(2): 48-53.

1. Permatasari, D.A., Witaningrum, A.M., Wibisono, F.J., Effendi, M.H. (2020)Detection and prevalence of multidrug-resistant klebsiella pneumoniae strains isolated from poultry farms in Blitar, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21(10): 4642-4647

2. Wibisono, F.J., Sumiarto, B., Untari, T., (...), Permatasari, D.A., Witaningrum, A.M. (2020) CTX Gene of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) Producing Escherichia coli on Broilers in Blitar, Indonesia. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11(7): 396-403.

3. Riwu, K.H.P., Effendi, M.H., Rantam, F.A. (2020) A Review of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase (ESBL) Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Multidrug Resistant (MDR) on Companion Animals. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11(7): 270-277.

4. Widodo, A., Effendi, M.H., Khairullah, A.R. (2020). Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Eschericia coli from livestock. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11(7): 382-392.

2. Suciati, F., Nurliyani, N., Indratiningsih, I. (2019) Physicochemical, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Fermented Whey using Kombucha Inoculum. Buletin Peternakan 43(1): 52-57.

1. Kim, J., Adhikari, K. (2020) Current trends in kombucha: Marketing perspectives and the need for improved sensory research. Beverages 6(1) 15: 1-19.

3. Setyawati, M.P., Ulupi, N., Murtini, S., Sumantri, C. (2019). Production performance, reproduction and immunity of sentul hensat different IgY concentrations. Buletin Peternakan 43(1): 17-21.

1. Al-Habib, M.F., Murtini, S., Gunawan, A., Ulupi, N., Sumantri, C. (2020) Polymorphism of CD1B Gene and Its Association with Yolk Immunoglobulin (IgY) Concentration and Newcastle Disease Antibody Titer in IPB-D1 Chicken. Tropical Animal Science Journal 43(3): 197-204.

2. Al-Habib, M.F., Sumantri, C., Murtini, S., (...), Sartika, T., Ulupi, N. (2020). Characteristics of immunocompetence in Indonesian chickens. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 492(1),012097.

4. Faizah, L.I., Widiyanto, Muktiani, A. (2019). The effect of total or partial protected vegetable oil supplementation on in vitro digestibility, feed fermentability and energy efficiency. Buletin Peternakan 43(3): 171-178.

1. Anam, M.S., Yusiati, L.M., Hanim, C., Bachruddin, Z., Astuti, A. (2020) Effect of Combination of Protected and Non-Protected Corn Oil Supplementation on in Vitro Nutrient Digestibility. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 478(1),012026.

5. Agus, A, Agussalim, Umami N, Budisatria, I G S (2019) Effect of different beehives size and daily activity of stingless beeTetragonula laeviceps on bee-pollen production. Buletin Peternakan 43(4): 242-246.

1. Erwan, Astuti, M., Syamsuhaidi, Muhsinin, M., Agussalim (2021). The effect of different beehives on the activity of foragers, honey potsnumber and honey production from stingless bee Tetragonula sp. Livestock Research for Rural Development 32(10),32158.

6. Ismoyowati, Indrasanti, D., Sulistyawan, I.H. (2018). The differences of feed quality and egg production performance of Tegal and Magelang ducks on farming in Central Java. Buletin Peternakan. 42(3), pp. 197-202.

1. Suswoyo, I., Ismoyowati, I., Widodo, W., Vinceviča-Gaile, Z. (2021). The use of probiotic and antioxidants to improve welfare and production of layer duck at commercial farms for global warming mitigation. E3S Web of Conferences 226,00025.

2. Ismoyowati, I., Sumarmono, J. (2019). Duck Production for Food Security. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 372(1),012070

7. Tahuk, P.K., Baliarti, E., Budhi, S.P.S., Panjono, H. (2018). The effect of season on the feed quantity and quality and growth performance of male Bali cattle fattened in smallholder farms. Buletin Peternakan 42(2): 203-209.

1. Tahuk, P.K., Nahak, O.R., Bira, G.F. (2020). The effect of complete feed to carcass characteristics and meat quality of male Bali cattle fattened in West Timor, Indonesia. Veterinary World. 13(11): 2515-2527.

2. Tahuk, P.K., S Budhi, S.P., Panjono, Baliarti, E. Carcass and meat characteristics of male bali cattle in indonesian smallholder farms fed ration with different protein levels. Tropical Animal Science Journal 41(3); 215-223.

8. Rachmawati, L., Anggriyani, E. (2018). The Use of Glutaraldehyde Tanning Materials for Goat Skin Tanning. Buletin Peternakan. 42(2): 145-149.

1. Rachmawati, L., Anggriyani, E., Rosiati, N.M. (2020). Technology of free chrome tanning process: Optimal level of formaldehyde as tanning agent for mondol stingray (Himantura gerrardi) | [Technologie du processus de tannage sans chrome: Le niveau optimal de formaldéhyde comme agent de tannage pour la peau de raie (himantura gerrardi)]. Leather and Footwear Journal. 20(3): 277-286

9. Agussalim, A.A., Umami, N., Budisatria, I. (2018). The type of honeybees forages in district of pakem sleman and nglipar gunungkidul Yogyakarta. Buletin Peternakan 42(1): 50-56

1. Agussalim, A., Agus, A., Nurliyani, N., Umami, N. (2019). The sugar content profile of honey produced by the Indonesian Stingless bee, Tetragonula laeviceps, from different regions. Livestock Research for Rural Development 31(6).

10. Wahyono, T., Mulyana, N., Amanda, P., Nurbayti, S., Suharyono. (2018). Utilization of Gamma Irradiated Aspergillus Niger to Improve Oil Palm by-Product Digestibility. Buletin Peternakan. 42(1): 37-44.

1. Wahyono, T., Ansori, D., Hardani, S.N.W., Maharani, Y., Kurniawan, W. (2020) The effects of fermentation using gamma-irradiated Aspergillus niger and adding rice bran on rice straw digestibility: In vitro study. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 465(1),012017.

2. Sasongko, W.T., Dyah Larasati, T.R., Mulyana, N., Wahyono, T.  (2019). In Vitro Gas and Methane Production from Fermented Rice Straw using Trichoderma viride and Phanerochaete chrysosporium Inoculant.

11. Ridwan, R., Bungsu, W.A., Astuti, W.D., (...), Wijayanti, I., Widyastuti, Y. (2018) The use of lactic acid bacteria as ruminant probiotic candidates based on in vitro rumen fermentation characteristics. Buletin Peternakan 42(1): 31-36.

1. Kembabazi, B., Ondiek, J.O., Migwi, P.K. (2021) Effect of single or mixed strain probiotics on milk yield of dairy cows. Livestock Research for Rural Development 33(1)

2. Astuti, W.D., Fidriyanto, R., Ridwan, R., (...), Sari, N.F., Widyastuti, Y. (2019). In vitro rumen fermentation of oil palm frond with addition of Lactobacillus plantarum as probiotic. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 387(1),012093.

3. Nampukdee, R., Polyorach, S., Wanapat, M., (...), Gunun, N., Sitthigripong, R. (2018). Effects of microbial fermented liquid (MFL) supplementation on gas production kinetics and digestibility using in vitro gas production technique. International Journal of Agricultural Technology. 14(7): 1495-1504.

4. Astuti, W.D., Widyastuti, Y., Wina, E., (...), Ridwan, R., Wiryawan, K.G. (2018).
Survival of Lactobacillus plantarumU40 on the in vitro rumen fermentation quantified with real-time PCR. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture. 43(2): 184-192.

12. Fitroh, B.A., Wihandoyo, W., Supadmo, S. (2018). The use 3 of banana peel meal (Musa paradisiaca) as substitution of corn in the diets on performance and carcass production of hybrid ducks. Buletin Peternakan 42(3): 222-231.

1. Dumorné, K., Astorga-Eló, M., Merino, O., Severe, R., Morante, L. (2020). Importance of banana flour and its effect on growth performance of broiler. Animal Science Journal. 91(1),e13419.

13. Anggraini, A.D., Poernama, F., Hanim, C., Dono, N.D. (2017). Penggunaan protease dalam pakan yang menggunakan limbah pertanian-peternakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja pertumbuhan ayam broiler. Buletin Peternakan 41(3): 243-249.

1. Daud, M., Yaman, M.A., Zulfan, Asril. (2020). Effects of probiotic supplementation in rations containing leubiem fish waste (Chanthidermis maculatus) on the performance of local ducks. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 425(1),012003.

2. Daud, M., Yaman, M.A., Zulfan, Z. (2019). The Effects of Functional Feed Additive Probiotic and Phytogenicin Rations on the Performance of Local Ducks. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 372(1),012061.

14. Lestari, R.D., Baga, L.M., Nurmalina, R. (2017). Daya saing usaha penggemukan sapi potong peternakan rakyat di kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur. Buletin Peternakan 41(1): 101-112.

1. Sudirman, Hartono, B., Subagiyo, I., Nugroho, B.A. (2018). Analysis of domestic resources cost based on farm typology of Bali Cattle in Plampang Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Tropical Animal Science Journal. 41(3): 224-233.

15. Kartikasari, L.R., Hughes, R., Geier, M., Gibson, R. (2017). The effect of diet containing high alpha-linolenic acid on omega-3 fatty acids and health status of the heart in broilers. Buletin Peternakan 41 (1): 48-53.

1. Head, B., Bionaz, M., Cherian, G. (2019). Flaxseed and carbohydrase enzyme supplementation alters hepatic n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid molecular species and expression of genes associated with lipid metabolism in broiler chickens. Veterinary Sciences 6(1),25

2. Kanakri, K., Carragher, J., Hughes, R., Muhlhausler, B., Gibson, R. (2018). The Effect of Different Dietary Fats on the Fatty Acid Composition of Several Tissues in Broiler Chickens. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 120(1),1700237.

3. Kanakri, K., Carragher, J., Hughes, R., (...), de Koning, C., Gibson, R. (2017). The fatty acid composition of excreta of broiler chickens fed different dietary fatty acids. International Journal of Poultry Science. 16(11): 424-443.

16. Nurtini, S., Guntoro, B., Widyobroto, B.P., Indratiningsih, I., Umami, N. (2017).
The performance of milk production, total milk revenue and reproduction indicators on dairy smallholders in Yogyakarta and East Java, Indonesia. Buletin Peternakan 41(2): 212-218.

1. Al Idrus, S., Ahmar, A.S., Abdussakir, A. (2019). The influence of business innovation with relationship of organizational learning and job satisfaction on market orientation. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management. 10(5): 997-1014.

17. Sari, N.F., Ridwan, R., Widyastuti, Y. (2017). The quality of corn silage product from technopark of Banyumulek Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Buletin Peternakan 41(2): 156-162.

1. Sari, N.F., Ridwan, R., Rohmatussolihat, R., Fidriyanto, W.D.A., Widyastuti, Y. (2018). Characteristic of different level of fermented concentrate in the rumen metabolism based on in vitro. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 43(3): 296-305.

18. Agussalim, A.A., Umami, N., Budisatria, I. (2017). Variation of honeybees forages as source of nectar and pollen based on altitude in yogyakarta. Buletin Peternakan. 41

1. Agussalim, A., Agus, A., Nurliyani, N., Umami, N. (2019). The sugar content profile of honey produced by the Indonesian Stingless bee, Tetragonula laeviceps, from different regions. Livestock Research for Rural Development. 31(6).

19. Wahyono, T., Rizqi, I.A., Sumarlin, L.O., Larasati, T.R.D., Suharyono (2017). Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel dan Fermentasi Menggunakan Aspergillus Niger yang telah Diiradiasi Terhadap Degradabilitas in Sacco Jerami Padi. Buletin Peternakan 41(3): 271-278.

1. Wahyono, T., Ansori, D., Hardani, S.N.W., Maharani, Y., Kurniawan, W. (2020). The effects of fermentation using gamma-irradiated Aspergillus niger and adding rice bran on rice straw digestibility: In vitro study. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 465(1),012017.

2. Sasongko, W.T., Dyah Larasati, T.R., Mulyana, N., Wahyono, T. (2019). In Vitro Gas and Methane Production from Fermented Rice Straw using Trichoderma viride and Phanerochaete chrysosporium Inoculant. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 546(2),022023.

20. Wahyono, T., Sasongko, W.T., Sholihah, M., Dan Pikolo, M.R. (2017). Pengaruh Penambahan Tanin Daun Nangka (Artocarpus Heterophyllus) terhadap Nilai Biologis Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleifera) dan Jerami Kacang Hijau (Vigna Radiata) Secara  In Vitro. Buletin Peternakan 41 (1): 15-25.

1. Chuzaemi, S., Mashudi, Eryantristan, H., Huda, A.N. (2020). Effect of Pollard and Soybean Meal Protected with Condensed Tannin in Concentrate on in Vitro Gas Production. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 478(1),012053.

21. Rar, P., Ariyadi, S.B., Kurnia, N., Haryadi, F.T. (2017). Pengaruh modal sosial terhadap tingkat kesejahteraan rumah tangga peternak: Studi kasus pada kelompok peternak ayam kampong Ngudi Mulyo Gunung Kidul. Buletin Peternakan.41(3): 349-354.

1. Solikin, N., Hartono, B., Fanani, Z., Ihsan, M.N. (2019). The Contribution of Social Capital to the Income and Development of Beef Cattle Farmers. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 372(1),012053.

2. Lestari, V.S., Natsir, A., Patrick, I.W., (...), Asya, M., Sirajuddin, S.N. (2018). Social capital on poultry farms in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 157(1),012053.

22. Sasmitaloka, K.S., Miskiyah, Juniati. (2017). Kajian Potensi Kulit Sapi Kering Sebagai Bahan Dasar Produksi Gelatin Halal. Buletin Peternakan. 41(3), pp. 328-337.

1. Hafid, H., Napirah, A., Fitrianingsih, Efendi, A. (2020). Organoleptic Characteristics of Chicken Meatballs that Using Gelatin as a Gelling Agent. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 465(1),012013.

23. Setiyono, A., Haryono, K.A., Rusman. (2017). Effect of breed, age, and sex on quality of beef in special region of Yogyakarta. Buletin Peternakan. 41(2), pp. 176-186.

1. Maylinda, S., Busono, W. (2020). Analysis of Some Predictors for Estimating Carcass Weight in Brahman Cross Cattle. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 478(1),012063.

2. Muhammad, M., Eriani, K., Fithri, A., Rusdi, A., Saputra, H. (2020). Potential of Flamboyant Flower (Delonix regia (Boj. ex Hook) Raf) Extract to Maintain Post- Dilution Quality of Aceh Cattle (Bos taurus indicus) Spermatozoa. E3S Web of Conferences. 151,01044

3. Widiati, R., Nurtini, S., Kusumastuti, T.A., Syahlani, S.P., Muzayyanah, M.A.U. (2019). Performance and economic incentives of cow-calf operation crossbred in the smallholder cattle in Yogyakarta-Indonesia. International Journal of Business and Society 20(1), pp. 417-431.

24. Hertanto, B.S., Fitra, R.A., Kartikasari, L.R., Cahyadi, M. (2017). Autentikasi daging ayam segar Dari kontaminasi daging babi menggunakan gen Cyt-b dengan analisis duplex-polymerase chain reaction. Buletin Peternakan. 41, pp. 113-118

1. Effendi, M.H., Afdilah, S.W., Wardhana, D.K., Kurniawan, F., Retnowati, R. (2020). The Identification of Pork Contamination on Beef by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy. 11(10), pp. 634-637.

2. Cahyadi, M., Taufik, I.M., Pramono, A., Abdurrahman, Z.H. (2019). Development of mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene for identification of dog and rat in beef using multiplex PCR. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture. 44(1), pp. 10-18.

25. Sofyan, A., Widyastuti, Y., Utomo, R., Yusiati, L.M. (2017). Improving physicochemical characteristics and palatability of King grass (Pennisetum hybrid) silage by inoculation of Lactobacillus plantarum - Saccharomyces cerevisiae consortia and addition of rice brand.
Buletin Peternakan. 41(1), pp. 61.

1. Bakrie, B., Sente, U., Mayasari, K., Syah, R.F. (2018). Effectiveness of Accelerator and Inoculum in Fermentation of Goat's Rumen Contents as Animal Feed Ingredients. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 119(1),012008.

26. Purnomo, S H, Rahayu, E T, Antoro, S B. (2017). Development strategy of beef cattle in small scale business at wuryantoro subdistrict of Wonogiri Regency. Buletin Peternakan 41(4), pp. 484-494.

1. Sutawi, Hermawan, D., Hidayati, A. (2020). Food security of livestock products in the pandemic of covid-19 in Indonesia. Livestock Research for Rural Development. 32(11).

27. Pradipta, M.S.I., Harimurti, S., Hadisaputro, W. (2017). Microencapsulation of indigenous poultry lactic acid bacteria probiotic on the competitive exclusion against Salmonella enteritidis and Escherichia coli in vitro. Buletin Peternakan. 41(2), pp. 134-141

1. Mangisah, I., Suthama, N., Rizqiati, H. (2020). The Effect of Natural Additives on Microbiota and Body Weight on Broiler Chicken. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 518(1),012079.

2. Nurhayati, R., Miftakhussolikhah, Oktavianingrum, D.A., Pratiwi, R. (2020). The effect of encapsulated Pediococcus lolii L2 on its cell viability and α-glucosidase inhibition activity. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 462(1),012024.

3. Harimurti, S., Ariyadi, B., Wihandoyo, Akhirini, N., Pradipta, M.S.I. (2019). Growth of probiotics for poultry in glucose yeast pepton media, production of biomass, viability and stability after encapsulation with spray drying. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 387(1),012130.

4. Sjofjan, O., Adiansah, I., Sholiha, K. (2019). Effect of supplementation of either powdered or encapsulated probiotic on carcass percentage, giblets and small intestinal morphometric of local duck. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1146(1),012039.

5. Gelinski, J.M.L.N., Baratto, C.M., Casagrande, M., (...), Vicente, V.A., Fonseca, G.G. (2019). Control of pathogens in fresh pork sausage by inclusion of Lactobacillus sakei BAS0117. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 65(11), pp. 831-841.

28. Aji, R.N., Panjono, P., Agus, A., (...), Ismaya, I., Bintara, S. (2017). Reproductive Performances of Sumba Ongole Cows Inseminated with Frozen Belgian Blue Semen. Buletin Peternakan. 41(4), pp. 379-384.

1. Aji, R.N., Panjono, Agus, A., (...), Kumala, S., Bintara, S. (2019). The effect of Andromed® and coconut water + 20% egg yolk as diluent on semen motility of Belgian Blue cattle. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 387(1),012127.

29. Anggitasari, S., Sjofjan, O., Djunaidi, I.H. (2016). Pengaruh Beberapa Jenis Pakan Komersial terhadap Kinerja Produksi Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif Ayam Pedaging. Buletin Peternakan. 40(3), pp. 187-196.

1. Maulidi, I.S., Puspita, U.E., Mahardhika, I.W.S., Daryono, B.S. (2020). The Inheritance of Phenotype Character of Feather Color and Growth of Hybrid Chicken (Gallus gallus gallus, Linnaeus 1758) Derived from Crossing of F1 ? Kamper and ? Kambro. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2260,060011.

2. Kusumastuti, T.A., Widiati, R., Andarwati, S. (2019). Characteristics of business and income in broiler partnership system in Yogyakarta Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 387(1),012041.

3. Sumardiono, S., Siqhny, Z.D. (2019). Production of Fish Feed from Soy Residue and Shrimp Waste using Tapioca as Binding Agent. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1295(1),012041.

4. Sjofjan, O., Irfan, H.D., Halim, M.H., Hanitawati, Teguh, H. (2019). Effect of addition garlic flour as feed additive in digesta viscosity, microflora, and intestinal characteristic of native chicken crossbred. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 287(1),012021.

5. Arifudin, K., Sarjana, T.A., Muryani, R., (...), Sarengat, W., Angkeke, I.P. (2019). Zonation in closed house affecting ammonia emission, immune system and broiler performance in the dry season. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 247(1),012035.

30. Mulatmi, S.N.W., Guntoro, B., Widyobroto, B.P., Nurtini, S., Pertiwiningrum, A. (2016). Strategi peningkatan adopsi inovasi pada peternakan sapi perah rakyat di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur. Buletin Peternakan. 40, pp. 219-227.

1. Pambudy, R. (2018). The development of adopting innovation on entrepreneurship status of Madura cattle farmers. Tropical Animal Science Journal. 41(2), pp. 147-156.

31. Natsir, M.H., Widodo, E., Muharlien. (2016). Penggunaan Kombinasi Tepung Kunyit (Curcuma domestica) dan Jahe (Zingiber officinale) Bentuk Enkapsulasi dan Tanpa Enkapsulasi Terhadap Karakteristik dan Mikroflora Usus Ayam Pedaging. Buletin Peternakan. 40(1), pp. 1-10.

1. Purwanti, S., Agustina, L., Siswoyo, A., Ahmadi, I. (2020). Performance and characteristics of digestive tract organs given Indigofera zollingeriana leaf meal and turmeric (Curcuma domestica) on Japanese quail. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 492(1),012004.

2. Djunaidi, I.H., Natsir, M.H., Nuningtyas, Y.F., Yusrifar, M. (2020). The Effectiveness of Biacid (Organic Acid and Essential Oil) as Substitute for Antibiotics on Ileal Characteristics of Broilers. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 478(1),012073.

3. Sjofjan, O., Natsir, M.H., Adli, D.N., Adelina, D.D., Triana, L.M. (2020). Effect of Symbiotic Flour (Lactobacillus Sp. and FOS) to the Egg Quality and Performance of Laying Hens. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 465(1),012033.

4. Sjofjan, O., Irfan, H.D., Halim, M.H., Hanitawati, Teguh, H. (2019). Effect of addition garlic flour as feed additive in digesta viscosity, microflora, and intestinal characteristic of native chicken crossbred. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 287(1),012021.

5. Setyawati, A., Yuliningtyas, N., Zamar, A.A., Zamzamie, M.S. (2018). Physicochemical character of nanoencapsulated Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.) dreg extracts. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2026,020089.

32. Kurniawan, H. (2016). Kualitas Nutrisi Ampas Kelapa (Cocos Nucifera L.) Fermentasi Menggunakan Aspergillus niger. Buletin Peternakan. 40(1), pp. 25-32

1. Megananda, R.C., Azhizhah, Y.N., Pujiati, Primiani, C.N. (2020). Oil content analysis on yam bean fermented by Aspergillus niger. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1524(1),012132.

33. Hidayat, S.C.M., Harimurti, S., Yusiati, L.M. (2016). Pengaruh suplementasi probiotik bakteri asam laktat terhadap histomorfologi usus dan performan puyuh jantan. Buletin Peternakan 40(2), pp. 101-106.

1. Djunaidi, I.H., Natsir, M.H., Nuningtyas, Y.F., Yusrifar, M. (2020). The Effectiveness of Biacid (Organic Acid and Essential Oil) as Substitute for Antibiotics on Ileal Characteristics of Broilers. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 478(1),012073.

34. Yosi, F., Hidayah, N., Jurlinda Sari, M.L. (2016). The physical quality of salted Pegagan duck egg using palm oil fronds ash and liquid smoke as a curing agent. Buletin Peternakan 40(1), pp. 66-74.

1. Novia, D., Juliyarsi, I. (2019). Quality characteristics of salted egg soaked with Aloe vera solution. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology. 9(2), pp. 434-440.

35. Natsir, M.H. (2016). Penggunaan Kombinasi Kunyit (Curcuma Domestica) dan Jahe (Zingiber Officinale) Bentuk Enkapsulasi dan Tanpa Enkapsulasi terhadap Karakteristik Usus dan Mikroflora Usus Ayam Pedaging. Buletin Peternakan. 40: 1-10.

1. Purwanti, S., Agustina, L., Jamilah, Syamsu, J.A., Putra, R.D. (2019). Histology of the liver and small intestine broiler using phytobiotic in the ration infected Salmonella pullorum. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 247(1),012054.

36. Abubakar, Usmiati, S. (2016). Mutu Keju Putih Rendah Lemak Diproduksi Dengan Bahan Baku Susu Modifikasi. Buletin Peternakan. 40(2), pp. 144-156.

1. Ekafitri, R., Mayasti, N.K.I., Afifah, N. (2019). Diversification derivatives product of ripe banana: Banana leather. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 251(1),012025.

37. Kurnia Sari, D.W., Astuti, M.H., Sinta Asi, L. (2016). Pengaruh pakan tambahan berupa ampas tahu dan limbah bioetanol berbahan singkong (Manihot utilissima) terhadap penampilan sapi Bali (Bos sondaicus). Buletin Peternakan. 40(2), pp. 107.

1. Tiro, B.M.W., Beding, P.A., Baliadi, Y. (2018). The Utilization of Sago Waste as Cattle Feed. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 119(1),012038.

38. Anggitasari, S., Sjofjan, O., Djunaidi, I.H. (2016). Effect of some kinds of commercial feed on quantitative and qualitative production performance of broiler chicken. Buletin Peternakan 40(3), pp. 187-196.

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4. Sumardiono, S., Siqhny, Z.D. (2019). Production of Fish Feed from Soy Residue and Shrimp Waste using Tapioca as Binding Agent. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1295(1),012041.

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39. Pranatasari, D., Kustono, Widayati, D.T. (2016). Supplementation of Gonadotropin Hormone into in Vitro Maturation Medium to Increase 4 Cell Stadium Embryo Development of Bligon Goat. Buletin Peternakan. 40(2), pp. 83-91.

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1. Sari, T.V., Sadeli, A., Hanafi, N.D., Tafsin, M. (2020). Utilization complete feed fermented based waste peel cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) on the characteristics carcass and noncarcass of male Kacang Goat. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 454(1),012076.

2. Sadeli, A., Tafsin, M., Sari, T.V. (2020). Utilization complete feed fermented based waste peel cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) on quality meat of male Kacang goat. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 454(1),012074.

3. Pujaningsih, R.I., Widiyanto, W., Tampoebolon, B.I.M. (2019). Effect of Organic Basic Multrinutrient Block Supplementation on Total Mixed Ratio of Kacang Goat in Feedlot System. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 372(1),012062.

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44. Abqoriyah, Utomo, R., Suwignyo, B. (2015). Produktivitas tanaman kaliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus) sebagai hijauan pakan pada umur pemotongan yang berbeda. Buletin Peternakan. 39(2), pp. 103-108.

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3. Siarudin, M., Indrajaya, Y. (2020). Adaptation and productivity of kaliandra for biomass energy source. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 415(1),012016.

4. Hendarto, K.A., Desmiwati, D., Danu, D., (...), Cahyono, D.D.N., Hidayat, A.R. (2020). Farmers' economic perceptions of demonstration plot development of kaliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus Meisner) biomass energy at Parungpanjang research forest: Findings from a focus group discussion. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 415(1),012013.

5. Kustantinah, K., Suhartanto, B., Indarto, E., Zulfa, I.H., Atmojo, F.A. (2020). Degradation of nitrogen fraction in kacang goats feed supplementation Calliandra calothyrsus substituted soybean meal. Key Engineering Materials. 840 KEM, pp. 118-123.

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7. Utomo, R., Suhartanto, B., Suwignyo, B., Widodo, S., Harimayastuti. (2019). Effect of Cutting Frequency of Cassava Leaves on Composition and Production during the Dry Season. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 251(1),012059.

8. Suranindyah, Y.Y., Rochijan, Adiarto, (...), Astuti, S.D., Murti, T.W. (2018). Effect of feeding high proportion concentrates containing tofu waste on nutrient consumption, milk production, body condition score and postpartum mating period of dairy goats in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 17(12), pp. 702-708.

45. Dwitarizki, N.D., Ismaya, Asmarawati, W. (2015). [No title available]. Buletin Peternakan 39(3), pp. 149-156.

1. Aji, R.N., Panjono, Agus, A., (...), Kumala, S., Bintara, S. (2019). The effect of Andromed® and coconut water + 20% egg yolk as diluent on semen motility of Belgian Blue cattle. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 387(1),012127.

46. Lestarini, I.N., Anggrawati, N., Nuhriawangsa, A.M.P., Dewanti, R. (2015). [No title available]. Buletin Peternakan. 39(1), pp. 9-16.

1. Aji, R.N., Panjono, Agus, A., (...), Kumala, S., Bintara, S. (2019). The effect of Andromed® and coconut water + 20% egg yolk as diluent on semen motility of Belgian Blue cattle. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 387(1),012127.

47. Adiyastiti, B.E.T., Suryanto, E., Rusman, R. (2014). Pengaruh Lama Pembakaran Dan Jenis Bahan Bakar Terhadap Kualitas Sensoris Dan Kadar Benzo(a)Piren Sate Daging Kambing. Buletin Peternakan. 38, pp. 189-196.

1. Aminullah, A., Mardiah, M., Hakim, L., Syahbirin, G., Kemala, T. (2020). Spectra and carbonyl index changes on processed beef fats using fourier transform infrared spectrometer and principal component analysis. Spectroscopy Letters. 53(2), pp. 114-122.

48. Harwanto, Yusiati, L.M., Utomo, R.(2014). Pengaruh kayumanis (Cinnamomum-burmanni Ness ex BI.) sebagai sumber sinamaldehid terhadap parameter fermentasi dan aktivitas mikrobia rumen secara in vitro. Buletin Peternakan. 38(2), pp. 71-77.

1. Hadianto, I., Yusiati, L.M., Bachrudin, Z., (...), Hanim, C., Kurniawati, A. (2020). Effect of Cinnamon Bark Meal (Cinnamomun burmanni Ness ex Bl) on in Vitro Methane Production and Rumen Methanogens Diversity. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 478(1),012027.

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49. Dewanti, Yuhan, R., Sudiyono. (2014). Pengaruh bobot dan frekuensi pemutaran telur terhadap fertilitas, daya tetas dan bobot tetas itik lokal. Buletin Peternakan. 38(1), pp. 16-20.

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3. Purwantini, D., Ismoyowati, Santosa, S.A. (2016). Estimation of selection accuracy and responses of the production characteristics using different selection intensity in magelang duck. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture. 41(2), pp. 61-69.

50. Kartiarso, K., Lita Dan, M. (2014). Produktivitas kerbau rawa di Kecamatan Muara Muntai, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur. Buletin Peternakan. 38(3), pp. 174-181.

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51. Purbowati, E., Rianto, E., Dilaga, W.S., Lestari, C.M.S., Adiwinarti, R. (2014). Karakteristik cairan rumen, jenis dan jumlah mikrobia dalam rumen sapi jawa dan peranakan Ongole. Buletin Peternakan. 38(1), pp. 21-26.

1. Febrina, D., Febriyanti, R., Zumarni, (...), Mochtisar, Y., Rabani. (2020). The effect of addition of fermented oil palm fronds extract on rumen fermentation and blood metabolites of kacang goat. Journal of Animal Health and Production. 9(1), pp. 58-64.

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52. Ngadiyono, N., Budisatria, I.G.S., Sadeli, A. (2014). Pengaruh penggunaan complete feed terfermentasi terhadap produksi karkas dan kualitas kimia daging kambing bligon The utilization of fermented complete feed on the carcass production and meat chemical quality of bligon goat. Buletin Peternakan. 38(2), pp. 109-115.

1. Sari, T.V., Sadeli, A., Hanafi, N.D., Tafsin, M. (2020). Utilization complete feed fermented based waste peel cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) on the characteristics carcass and non carcass of male Kacang Goat. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 454(1),012076.

2. Sadeli, A., Tafsin, M., Sari, T.V. (2020). Utilization complete feed fermented based waste peel cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) on quality meat of male Kacang goat. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 454(1),012074.

3. Tahuk, P.K., Bira, G.F. (2014). Carcass and meat characteristics of male Kacang goat fattened by complete silage. Veterinary World. 13(4), pp. 706-715.

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53. Rachmawati, L., Ismaya, I., Astuti, P. (2014). Correlation between testosterone, libido, and sperm quality of bligon, kejobong and ettawa grade bucks. Buletin Peternakan. 38(1), pp. 8-15.

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1. Suwitari, N.K.E., Suariani, L., Yudiastari, N.M., Kaca, N., Tonga, Y. (2019). Performance of 0-14 weeks-aged super free-range hens that are fed by fermented coconut pulp flour-contained ration. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1402(5),055027.

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2. Adiwinarti, R., Kustantinah, Budisatria, I.G.S., Rusman, Indarto, E. (2016). Improving the performance of local kacang goats using ruminally undegradable protein feeds. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences. 10(4-5), pp. 262-267.

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2. Putra, W.P.B., Agung, P.P., Anwar, S., Said, S. (2019). Polymorphism of Bovine growth hormone receptor gene (g.3338A > G) and its association with body measurements and body weight in Pasundan Cows. Tropical Animal Science Journal. 42(2), pp. 90-96.

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60. Utomo, R.S., Budhi, P.S., Astuti, I.F. (2013). Pengaruh level onggok sebagai aditif terhadap kualitas silase isi rumen sapi. Buletin Peternakan. 37(3), pp. 173-180.

1. Tahuk, P.K., Bira, G.F., Taga, H. (2020). Physical Characteristics Analysis of Complete Silage Made of Sorghum Forage, King Grass and Natural Grass. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 465(1),012022.

2. Pangistika, A.W., Bachruddin, Z., Kurniawati, A., Utomo, R., Hanim, C. (2019). The effect of addition of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) on the rancidity process of concentrate feed based on lactic acid bacteria fermentation during aerobic storage. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 387(1),012099.

3. Hardiansyah, D., Bachruddin, Z., Yusiati, L.M., Hanim, C., Astuti, A. (The effect of aerated storage system and turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) addition on the quality of lactic acid bacteria fermented feed). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 387(1),012100.

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